Billboard Hot 100 Discussion - December 02, 2017

What I'm saying is that pointing to the fact that there was been no effect on the Latin and Hip-Hop markets does not prove the alt-right does not have any effect.

Its like looking at what effect an earthquake in Chile would have on the American music. They don't have anything to do with each other. Looking at latin and hip-hop is literally looking in the wrong place if you wanted to judge what effect a bunch of white people have had on music.

considering his album sales were crazy good back then

They were probably good because he had access to a market that black rappers didn't. Its similar to how rap features on pop tracks can lead to better sales - cross over.

The fact that Eminem had both black and white fans is irrelevant because the reason he was as big as he was is because of the white people who don't usually listen to rap. If I was black I would have sold half

Again this is not to say that this is proof of the connection, but all your reasons for the connection not existing don't make sense when you analyze them

most of the swifties i have seen are far from that stereotype

Again this is irrelevant, because its not "alt-right supremitsts reeeee" that would which would be causing what ever effect that is being observed, but rather the half of the country which regularly votes republican who were sick of EVERY celebrity thinking that their political opinion is relevant.

Turns out intentionally alienating half of the population and calling them garbage human beings for voting for a political candidate, does not make them like you.

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