A bit shocked at the state of Windows 10 …

Well Goatwasher,

I have 2 points to make about your dialog above so far:


While I disagree with the tone danskeman used to reply to you, in fairness to danskeman, isn't this exactly what your post is about:

windows vs MAC, especially in terms of that last line of your post, and the strongly negative feelings you are expressing towards Windows?

Perhaps a Windows vs MAC discussion is not what you intended to invoke... but your post certainly comes off strongly that way (at least to me, and obviously to one other person so far as well!)

But if a Windows vs MAC discussion is what you really wanted in the first place, then I'm actually fine with that: I always enjoy PC vs MAC comparisons, as I find it helps me some of the benefits and drawbacks of each OS.

But if a PC vs MAC debate is not what you meant by this post... then what exactly is your point here?

Again: you seem to be strongly comparing Windows to MAC, with negative feelings towards Windows, and at the same time you are trying to set a rule above, about how our responses should be, and we're not allowed to compare Windows to MAC (but you are).

So it's a bit confusing, and again I'm not sure what you want from us?

Like I said, if it's a MAC/Windows comparison you want, then I'm all for that! But now you're saying we're not allowed to compare... So fine... I won't compare...


Perhaps in making this post, what you really want is to express the pain/frustration/difficulty of making a transition between one operating system to another?

If that's the point of your post, then I'm ok with that as well!

In fact, I can tell you that I've also felt that pain, many a time. It's ALWAYS very difficult switching between OS.

Like you, whenever I switch OS, I also find myself saying, "I can't believe this OS doesn't do XYZ, while the other OS does it so well, and so naturally..."

This happens when I switch between Windows to MAC, or Linux to Windows, or even when switching between different Windows versions, or Linux versions, etc...

So if this is ultimately what your post is about, then yes, you will indeed feel some longing and "home-sickness" for the other OS that you just left behind.

/r/Windows10 Thread Parent