Just posted a musicvideo Could I get some honest feedback

i think it was excellent and definitely comparable to stuff thats been getting popular- my one word of advice as a viewer would be to not have something as hackneyed as a guy smoking a blunt. don't push too hard and try too hard to be chilled out/deep, go for something different but with the same style. Fuck the teenage mutant ninja turtles shirt, stuff like that and dragon ball z shirts are getting played out, that whole 'i'm still cool with stuff i was when i was a kid because im in touch with myself and don't give a fuck' thing is more relatable than unique anymore, so it just kind of gets washed out by the rest of the people who do it.

Pick something that nobodies done, that you feel really represents a feeling that you can't explain, even if it seems absolutely retarded, and just stick it in. Maybe give it a tim burton kind of vibe, have the guy wearing a raggedy tuxedo and have it be kind of sepia tone-ish. or maybe have him dressed like an astronaut, or a sailor. thats just random stupid shit but you feel me yeah?

good luck man i hope you make it big. you're a leg up ahead of lots of folks and its clear that you've put a lot of effort in. big ups!

/r/hiphopheads Thread Link - youtu.be