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Thanks for trying. Shame you're a fucking dolt though.
You attack me for listing the obvious, that you both are not saying it should be "illegal" to say whatever you want. While you go on to list an even more obvious point, that "you shouldn't be praised for being an asshole." No shit. Not once have I ever stated Ice should be praised for this. I don't give a shit about what he says, that's the entire point. If his fans want to praise him for this, that is their prerogative and they are allowed to do so.
I mentioned Europe and Canada because both of these countries have harsh hate speech laws, which is not free speech. You are jailed and become unhirable in these places for saying specific things that the state dislikes. Like most marxists, you missed the really big fucking target. I was talking about speech rights. But you paint your gigantic brush over the statement and claim I was stating America was inherently more free on all fronts. Because you're a fucking retard.