Blizzard, please implement a post-game chat on the score screen.

Look at any front page forum post and at least 1 entry will say "Is it just me or is the game getting more toxic?"

No shit it is, when more people get in the game more shit scum from League and DOTA come over

Put yourself in one of these assholes shoes on live HOtS.

You have a Tassadar on your team that's new to the game and sucking rectum juice. You complain to your team and they are fucking sick and tired of listening to you bitch about this new player who can't tell a golem from a siege giant. So you turn to /all chat to ruin 5 other people's days, OH WAIT NO /ALL CHAT now you're fucked, maybe you'll bitch in post screen, OH WAIT, NO /ALL CHAT. You have 2 options, friend and message the enemy and start a witch hunt against this poor fucker who just got a key in which case they rapidly shut you down. Let's turn to /general chat now, it's full of people who take so much shit they shut you down or it's full of people who just want to take advantage of double friend XP and ignore you. In your desperate search for attention you message that 1 guy you know that always listens to your shit when you want to vent and in reality he really fucking hates you but he knows that you are a crazy fucker and knows where he lives so he replies "mmhmm" so you leave and go play League because you are a pretentious asshole that needs to rage about new players or honest mistakes. What's wrong with that system?

Put yourself in a position where you'd use it, "/ALL LUCKER NOVA SHIT NERD FUCK BOY FAG LIVING WITH 1 HP 1V1 ME IRL BITCH"

See no good in it either, it's better out than in, wanna message that streamer or youtuber on the enemy team? Fuck you, they don't want to talk to you, wanna congratulate an enemy on their play? (You'll never do that), friend and message them after game.

If anything put /all chat in custom games but leave it out of queuing.

/r/heroesofthestorm Thread