Is Tinder racist? White, nearly all female, college age upper-middle class kids discuss.

Then go to fucking hobby clubs where you can find people with the same interests and don't listen to the PUA losers.

Again, verbatim advice. You just added in "and don't listen to the PUA losers" instead.

They're the same as you, you really think they have any useful non-fucked-up relationship advice to give?

I don't know if you know this, but you're actually really good at pickup. That's called a "neg", an innocent statement phrased to be just a little insulting. Enough to put my back up, but not enough to actually get me angry. Though generally, they warn "negs" usually backfire, and you probably shouldn't use them.

Again, it's blind leading the blind, with "the game" as a headpiece, which is a 101 guide on how to be the forgettable douchebag

I just used The Game as an example because it was the first look into the subculture, and the most well known. I'm not sure about others, but /r/seduction tells guys The Game is useless, because too many guys read it as an instruction manual and missed the message. Also, again, ignoring what I said earlier because it doesn't fit your preconceived notions. There are a few companies I know, one of them is called Real Social Dynamics. I think they make most of their money of seminars. There are also a few individuals on Youtube who put out fairly regular videos, Simple Pickup is one most people have heard of. It's a business with good money in it for charismatic people, and like any business, some of them suck.

I just wan't to make sure I'm classifying your argument right here, so please, correct any mistakes.


PUAs are disgusting, they use women.


They lie to them and trick them, it's immoral and wrong.


I disagree with PUAs.


Because I disagree with them, they must be virgin losers.


Because they're virgin losers, they aren't qualified to teach men how to talk to women.




I hope you can see where the problem is with this logic. Not only are you justifying your argument with your own argument, how can they simultaneously be losers who are getting nowhere with women while being scum who lie to, trick, and use women? There's a logical disconnect there.

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