Blizzard thinking about adding Thumbs Up/Down system, giving helpful players EXP or gold, placing toxic players in separate queue

Don't worry, man, it'll get better. Soon, when every single player gets labelled as a toxic asshole, we will ALL get reported for having dissenting opinions! Isn't toxicity control great? Man, toxic players should all go die in a fire, like the toxins they are, haha.

Yesterday, I played a game as Abathur. Throughout the game, I kept telling my team that we don't need 4 people (Khara, Malf, Gazlowe, and Leoric (QM)) to take ONE merc camp, especially when Gazlowe can solo literally any camp in the game with relative ease. Despite our team constantly wiping because the enemy team would just check the merc camp with their Tyrande's owl, I got flamed because my behaviour was apparently toxic. Yeah, because fuck me for trying to win the game, and getting tired of your bullshit, right? No, I didn't swear until the end, no, I didn't insult my team until they had racked up a total of 23 deaths in a matter of 20 mins, after I had told I'd be reported constantly (though I don't think they actually did).

This is the kind of shitty behaviour which is popularised by the notion that EVERYTHING IS TOXIC, WOE ME, I AM A VICTIM OF FLAMING! The fact that so many people here happen to be people who encourage this is ridiculous. When your player base is less scared of flamers, and more scared of being reported for flaming, your community sucks. Get the fuck over your namby-pamby fear of being called a bad name, and play the God-damn game. I don't need to hear your whining because you just walked into a 5 man with Odin up and thought you could kill everyone. Nobody needs to hear your bitching about me spamming "RETREAT" after you refuse to co-operate for the last five minutes because I said you're screwing our team by feeding the enemy Doubloons, and I'm not toxic because I tell you that you're ruining the game for not only me, but our other teammates.

Go after the people who flame you post-game for a few mins. Go after the people who spam pings literally all game for no reason. Go after those people who report others unnecessarily because they want to get offended by literally anything that is possible to get offended by. THOSE people are toxic. The fact that people don't even talk that much anymore, compared to a few months ago when people talked in most games, shows that this shit is having an impact. How afraid are people nowadays that they're going to get reported, and that they're going to be called "toxic" for giving serious feedback which someone doesn't like?

This is a team game. All anonymity brings the ability to say whatever you want without consequences. There will ALWAYS be arguments, and Blizzard stifling people because babies and little kiddies are getting offended because they are getting shouted at for screwing over their team is not helping the situation, it's making it worse. If you want to make the player base better, remove the punishments except for people who are genuinely saying malicious things, and reward players who are commended by their teammates. Right now, the only people who benefit from the implementation of these systems are the whiners who scream "TOXIC" every game.

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