BLUE LIONS THREAD - Everybody Plays, Day 11

This was my first Fire Emblem game [SPOILERS]

I've just finished the emotional rollercoaster that is the Blue Lions (BL). This was my introduction to Fire Emblem and I was totally blown away. To be honest I didn't know what to expect, but this ended up being something else entirely. I felt like I was reading a massive choose-your-own-adventure fantasy epic. I got so addicted I played ~ 18h a day till I finished it!

I was impressed by how much the characters drew me in !and damn Dimitri was so charming.! !It broke my heart when he was going off the deep end - that's when I realised how invested in his story I'd become!

I really struggled with !the final battle because I was totally unprepared for so many magic types. I ended up having to use a lure tactic where I baited enemy units into the side rooms and dealt with them one-by-one using mainly Seteth and Ingrid who were the only ones who were effective against them. It took forever, but I was determined not to lose a single unit as I was playing on Classic mode!

I still have many questions that weren't resolved in the BL and I'm not sure if they'll ever be resolved, including:

  • !more on Byleth's backstory - what did Rhea do to her, who was her mother (all I got was that she was a "nun" at the monastery etc!
  • !what actually happened in Duscur!
  • !what was up with Patricia and where is she now!
  • !was the Death Knight really Jeritza!
  • !what the hell is up with Flayn, Rhea and Seteth because they seem really suspicious to me and Flayn doesn't age!

Did anyone else have questions that weren't resolved or know if other routes address these?

/r/fireemblem Thread