Bomber Sends Explosives To Hillary, Obama, Soros, Holder. Leftists Blame Trump. Right-Wingers Claim False Flag. Everything Is Terrible.

I appreciate the reply. I guess I'm focused on the behind the scenes of PK. The information you provided and explanation is helpful on a general level, and it is also stuff I try to follow when I participate. Also I personally don't like digging through people's profiles, but I did for PK because they invited it.

As someone who is on reddit way to much (and honestly I should really just delete the stupid app), PKs post are drastically different than almost anyone else on reddit. I guess it's good someone is raising the bar? But based off the length, Wikileaks style of presentation, and number of sources in every post, it feels like a product. Also PK clearly has established a fanbase that is willing to promote/support posts (and thanks to reddit's voting system stifles conversation). This had led to a sub reddit dedicated to PK (a post in this thread is being praised in that subreddit) and several of her posts being promoted on "best of" (which actually seemed to annoy reddit based off the best of comments, indicating it was spam). All of this is to say that PK either has an unrivaled passion for posting in US political threads (are they Canadian?), or that there is a supporting network (shitpksays, or something else). I'm skeptical.

That's what so frustrating to me about conservatives on reddit and elsewhere claiming there's some conspiracy in the media against the GOP / conservatives / libertarians. We can literally cut and paste the president's own tweets to show him contradicting himself. We can also witness him saying some of this stuff ourselves on TV and in debates. In terms of wages, or climate change, and stuff like that, the records are out there for people to see, too. I don't really know how you can ask for anything more by way of proof.

My opinion on this is that it's because of the media bias report. Anyone can use it and just apply it to news they don't like. It sucks, when the right screams bias at the slightest negativity, like own it and better yourselves. I also think it would be better if news slowed down and waited on reporting certain issues. Instead we have panels of individuals with incomplete records of the facts discussing and providing their opinion on events like a reality TV show. Telling us how we should feel or what our reaction should be. But this is kind of off topic.

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