Dad Accused of Raping Daughter Saved by Mention of 'Fifty Shades of Grey'

It's 4 in the morning so, confession time. My daughter was 14 when she called had the cops brought to our house the first time. She told her school counselor that we smoked pot. A cop visited our house, we showed him our MM licenses, he left. A week later, on Thanksgiving at 4am, the cops busted down our door and arrested my husband for having 7 scrawny seedilings, which later magically turned into 14 fully grown plants. Didn't matter that we had a license. The town harrassed us for a year and eventually PAID us to leave.
Fast forward 18 months, our daughter is with some Jehovah's witness cult douchebag, we do everything to keep her from running away with him, even giving him a room in the basement. Two weeks into him living there, eating all of our food, walking around in his skivvies, we tell him to get a job and get the hell out. He didn't like that so much, so he stole our weed. When hubby found out, he hit the roof and tried physically throwing him out. Daughter and Jehovah dick sucker call the cops, they arrest my hubby, he loses his 80k a year job, we lose the house, they took all of our children away. Spent two years trying to get them back, family was against us, CPS worker was psycho Lutheran who believed our children were better off in 'a Christian family'. She even took a trophy photo of the last time we were together as a family. We never did get our children back, because by then I had been in the psych ward several times, and my husband had another heart attack. So...yeah...thanks for listening. We are on good terms with the daughter, though sometimes I still resent her I take responsibility for my own part of the tragedy.

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