Both seem equally difficult

I'm almost freaking 30 yet so absolutely mortified about telling my aging conservative parents. Everyone else is gonna be fine, but my parents... they already suspect I'm gay for a lack of grillfriends brought home or otherwise evidenced (interest in women is not the problem, but the double whammy of rejection-sensitive dysphoria and gender dysphoria has me lagging behind by over 10 years in that department) and have not been sending the most positive and unaggressive vibes when "harmlessly asking" (mostly my mom).

Yet I care about my parents, especially my dad, too much to cut them out of my life... Anyone else who's gonna be hostile can suck a d*ck (preferably please that of someone who actually is comfortable with it), but this is difficult af. Aaah...

/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Thread Link -