Pizza solves all!

Sadly I can't eat pizza because I have a problem with wheat. ...No, really, when I eat anything that contains wheat my belly hurts so intensive for TEN HOURS that I something was thinking about just killing myself... All my life in pain... This year I saw a documentary (from ARTE) about why modern wheat could lead to over thousands of known health problems (they also talked about gluten and glyphosat. And that glyphosat is so similar to a hormone or whatever, that the body is confusing it with that, which can lead to mental damage.)... Stopped eating wheat... and I'm feeling fine now. Even my depressions got a lot weaker. x3 But guess only HRT would be able to defeat the final boss of my depressions...

So... instead of pizza... How about grilled salmon on rice with veggies and teriyaki sauce? <3

Or... does someone know a pizza place that uses spelt flour? I can eat spelt... My future boyfriend (if I should ever pass...) will hate me so much for my diet haha. x3 Save yourself the trouble, just invite me to an Asian restaurant... Could eat their stuff on a daily base. :p Mochi is the best... uh... candy anyway.

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