I got the good ending! Love you mom!

I wish it was like this...I haven't come out as trans yet but I already don't consider my birthing vessel a mom. She kind of left me with a bunch of people who have threatened to kill gay people when she got mad at me cause kids in highschool forced me to "confess my sin" or come out as a lesbian even though it didn't feel right. She left me sobbing, shaking, and fucking horrified. She eventually abandoned me at 17 but she is now around me again cause I'm almost homeless cause her abandonment so my brother took me in. Sadly he lives with her. They would be even worse to me if I came out as trans. They are the worst and once I move out it will be my turn to abandon the bitch that sadly raised me.

/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Thread Link - i.redd.it