Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they?

And you're not listening either. .Let me go back to "if we had better foster care system, there would be no need for abortions" rhetoric. This will never happen or at least take many years for a policy or a law to put into action. Not sure if you live in the states, but with people in power like Trump and Pence look what is happening. They are appealing to those bible worshipers and pro-birthers for condemning abortion. But in the mean time, they are providing NO actual solution and cutting aid to Planned Parenthood. You know why? because it's all about money they don't want to part from. I'm not American, but apparently, even the average American doesn't want universal health care because they have the "everyone is out for themselves mentality, why would I want to pay for someone's health?" So, what hope can the foster care system have? Not to mention, foster care providers would be over crowded if every woman decided to give birth. Since you don't support abortion, have you thought about becoming a foster parent or adopt a child(ren)? My guess is no, because you'd have said it already. Ask any self-proclaimed martyr mom or just any mom if they would have adopted before birthing their own. I am 99% sure, they would say "oh no, it's different when it's your own" which in my opinion is not. These poor orphan children, won't even get a chance to have a healthy family relationship. Of course you can come back at me with "but they're still a human life" so yes, there must be a balance. Here is an article from a fellow redditor.

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