Breaking: Blizzard entertainment bans pro hearthstone player for standing up for Hong Kong and then fires the casters just for being there. Will this happen to WoW?

Years ago I played Wow during WotLK. I met my husband playing WoW. When our tiny 4 person guild and 6 regulars finally took down Lich king, we were so proud. The memory still makes me smile. Felt like we owned the place, we farmed it till it was literally an art form. Still friends with those guys. Then we had our first kid and life took us away from WoW, but with the release of classic, we seriously thought about getting the gang back together, a few of us never played classic. We even had it planned out, had logged in the website to check our accounts and the changes, kids start back at school next week, and husband has time off work....

I guess now, I'm not willing to sell my soul to play a game with my friends. Sorry, not sorry Blizzard. I don't know about the rest of the group, but Husband and I won't be paying Blizzard when they obviously already get enough from China.

Guess I'll go Google what's up with Rift.

/r/classicwow Thread Link -