Broken game mechanics should be a priority not HD model upgrades and map modifications.

Ok, and I bet it took you a long time in the thesaurus to find anecdotal (which doesn't even fit this application, unless you believe in circular reasoning as well). Nonetheless, I will offer proof of these fallacies. Crosshair movement actually occurs because the reticle is a client side reticle. There is an option to turn off the server aim circle- while the usual aim circle is based on what is on your client, the server side transfers the data "what the server sees" to your client at the price of higher traffic. And this delay between client and server, and the added traffic results in bouncing and what I call dropping once the reticle hits the target, especially on elevated surfaces and ridgelines. This is something the developers are aware of and trying to resolve (and have been for the last 2 years), but doesn't help that it still happens and causes a lot of us to miss shots.'s messed up, WG knows it's messed up, and are too lazy to do anything about it. Moving on to the view range issue, again, WoT knows this is a problem and tried to address (unsuccessfully in the last patch) this in the form of refresh rate. WoT, stated in it's patch update for 0.9.8 that this is an issue and this was an attempt to fix, not your feeble attempt to once again quote a source that is neither relevant or correct. As a matter of fact, NOTHING here you presented is worth a shit, so how the hell did you become a quality contributor!!! Your reference to on explaining camo mechanics, only how to calculate them. I am not going to waste my time or breath on dumbass posts and replies that are nothing more than circular in reference. I gave you the first one simply because I CAN and, oh yea, UNDERSTAND the mechanics obviously far deeper than you are even capable of thinking....omg dumbass lazy people. You are probably the same infectious idiot that gets their voting information from a 5 second sound byte from either MSN or Fox and uses that to vote!!!

/r/WorldofTanks Thread Parent