Broken Theometer Problem

When I say that I pray sincerely, it means I am praying with an open heart.

Again, what does that mean? Don't get me wrong, it definitely sounds nice, except I'm asking you to give me something deeper, because I'm not convinced you actually did this.

I'd be willing to hear whatever the divine said, even if it were that I weren't worth talking to.

Why would it waste its breath to tell you you're not worth it? Do you tell everyone not worth your time that they're not worth your time? Of course you don't because they're not worth the time you'll waste doing that.

Says me. I have been scared before. I don't generally freeze up or jitter in fear. And even fear can give people purpose or show us what we should defend and what's worth pursuing.

Have you been present when a tidal wave is approaching the shore? Have you ever been on a boat in stormy turbulent waters? Have you ever been shot at? I doubt you find yourself in life or death situations often enough to appreciate being alive. Sure, every time you drive your car there is a likelihood of getting into an accident, but you don't think about that deeply when you turn the ignition. Try sitting on a scaffolding all day cleaning the windows outside of a 100 story office building. How about ice climbing up frozen waterfalls where one mistake can drop you to your death? Don't worry, I don't live this exciting of a life, but reflect on if you've found yourself in situations that bring you within inches of your life and limits, and if not, realize you don't even know what being alive is!

For the most part, yes. Some part of me would rather enjoy an aesthetic lifestyle, though I am in no way currently pursuing it.

Why put off tomorrow what you can do today? I don't believe you actually want it or else you'd be taking actions in that direction.

With the universe, you don't need to trust it.

But don't things just work themselves out from time to time? Fine, don't trust, appreciate. It's still God to me.

Things happen whether or not you're interested.

I know, and to me, God is still there whether you believe it or not. The difference is whether you open yourself to appreciate the supralogical underpinnings of what happens around you.

/r/DebateReligion Thread