Trashy as well as A Boring Dystopia...

It's a survival mechanism, part of the reason so many edgy teenagers seek really grim things is part of the novelty factor.

They eventually stop being tickled by this stuff either because schadenfreude and empathy are completely antithetic to each other.

So you either "grow up" thinking you wouldn't want this shit happening to you or someone you care about, or you realize that people who genuinely enjoy watching other people suffer get shitcanned by society.

The sad thing is that there are assholes who enjoy this kinda shit - pranks that hurt people, petty vandalism, all the things that make up the spectrum of antisocial personality disorders. And those people can watch that shit and marry it to what they think reality is.

I would love to believe that humans used to do a better job of keeping these types from participating in society, but because of the internet, it's not hard for mentally ill people to find other mentally ill people to validate them.

So no, you're not a weakling and you haven't lost your edge just because people harming other people isn't entertaining to you.

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