Budgeting for Indefinite True Expenses

My car repair category I keep topped up at $2000-$3000. I bought new in 2015 and I plant to keep it as long as possible but will probably replace in 2030. I'll feel fine with any replacement after 2025. I fund that category steadily and often throw windfall money in there as well because I plan to buy a new car, ideally for cash, but won't be too bummed if I have to finance $5000 or so.

I also have no particular desire to pay down my mortgage early. If I came into a large windfall sum, yeah maybe, but it's not an actual goal. I'm not particularly offended by debt that I entered into mindfully which includes the purchase of my home. I've got a low interest rate so I'm fine just chugging along. When I can, the 2 categories that I try to increase my monthly allocations to are Charitable Giving and Taxable Investing. I have a set amount that I allocate to those 2 every month. At the end of the month I have 6 categories that I skim from and 10% of that "leftover" goes to Charitable and 10% to taxable investing. Anytime I get cashback from a credit card, 10% of that goes to giving. In January of every year, I try to increase the monthly allocation to Taxable Investing. Looks like I might not be able to for 2023 because I am increasing the amounts for 401(k) and IRA.

/r/ynab Thread