I built a web app to get up the coffee game

My plan is to release it soon to a closed group of people, in an effort to bring an A+ experience for everyone.

I'm an engineer by trade, and a big coffee hobbyist. This whole thing really is based on my want to have a way to keep track of my brews, view stats and really make this a science (which makes things better, easier), in a communal way.

For example - each time I buy a new bean, I spend the next 5 shots just dialing it in. I've noticed that I'm less open to trying new beans because of this (the waste & cost associated). It doesn't have to be this way.

While the webapp is open to the group - I'm looking to collect feedback on how I can make things better, that's not a requirement or anything, but of course is preferred.

here's the slack group for this - It'll be capped at 100 people.

/r/Coffee Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it