[Bullied Everywhere] 15 y/o. What should I do?

Hey man I was in the same boat growing up and I'm a big dude. People always say that high school was their glory days but I would not take any amount of money to go back. I was picked on everyday by everyone imaginable. I know it doesn't help now but the reason most people bully is to feel better about themselves. I'm actually going to tell you to do the opposite of ignoring them. The things that worked for me might not work for you but I would say you have a couple of ways to make it less fun for them. The first one is easy, just embrace it. So, you have big ears. I had huge lips and constant tonsilitis caused me to spit once in a while when I spoke. Eventually making fun of me for that carried over to other things and then just making fun to make fun. But if you embrace your big ears then them ripping on you isn't going to be as fun. You can either just make fun of yourself for it or take the offensive. Say something like "I'll grow into my giant ears but I think you're stuck with that tiny brain". The other thing, that i'm sure I'll get mixed reactions for recommending, is stand up for yourself. I had a friend that saw everyone else picking on me and started doing the same. Not with them just by himself. He was always confident and cool and all that and I was pissed when he started. Finally one day I had enough and hit him. That was 15 years ago and I still remember what he said "if you can do that to me why can't you do it to anyone else. I pick on you because I want you to stick up for yourself" and he was right. Your not worthless, right now you're just weak and you need to realize the only reason for that is the people putting you down. They don't matter. Do your thing, stick up for yourself, be more confident and more than anything realize this will all end and you'll look back at how awful it was and how far you've come. Teenage years fucking suck. Body proportions go all out of control, your awkward and feel alone. Those things go away and for me at least, they get way better. Now I've matured and grown into my crazy features and these guys that used to pick on me are still the same just fatter and working shitty jobs. You'll be good, just try to stand up to these assholes. If you ever want backup you've got me and a million other people that were in your spot that are now laughing at those idiots.

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