But kids are off limits...

“I do not recall Paris elaborating on the type of abuse.”

Thank you for saying that because I thought I was crazy. Granted, I watched the Paris documentary immediately after having a major surgery for cancer so maybe I’m forgetting, but I do not remember any explicit or even open implicit talk of her being sexually assaulted. I will have to go back and watch the documentary again. I could be wrong, God I hope I’m not wrong.

Regardless, this is way too far, you do not use someone else’s trauma to make your point. You don’t use someone else’s trauma and relationship with their mother to try to make your own bad behavior look acceptable. Paris put out the documentary and that was an empowering thing for her to do and that is her story to tell. It is not Lisa Rinna‘s story to viciously Weaponized against Paris’s mother with whom she appears to be actively working on amending the relationship.

However we feel about any of these people, this is just over the line.

/r/BravoRealHousewives Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it