Garcelle has had one of, if not, the hardest seasons out of all Housewives on all franchises.

I don’t know, I would rather take a beating daily, than watch my kids in pain even once. Kids are the ultimate thing to a mom, imho. I think having a baby die on camera would be atrocious, I also feel seeing your child attacked, mocked, then bullied by a crowd of paid for bots, would be fucking awful. I just think my worst thing is something involving my kids.

Like today, my youngest’s (kindergarten) teacher called, as my littlest was having a breakdown. I guess, he had spilt milk all over his clothes at lunch and went to change in bathroom. Older kids saw him and made fun of him and laughed. To the point his teacher asked me to pick him up. I wanted to knock those shits out, because they hurt my baby. I can’t imagine seeing an adult do it or many adults (even bots) publicly. It’d kill me.

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