CAC card issue

We had a new non-rate report in with a similar issue a few months ago. He could log in to the workstation and O365 apps fine, but would have random issues accessing other sites, and when he tried to go to CGBI to look at his personal tab, his name wouldn't show up in the top right and none of his metrics would load.

We had him submit a CG Fixit ticket and they were able to sort it out.

I'd also personally go to milconnect and try this:

Navigate to the milConnect portal:

(2) Sign in with CAC credentials.

(3) Click the “Update Work Contact Info (GAL)” button.

(4) Click to the tab to the right of “Personal”. It will displayed MIL, CIV, CTR, VOL etc., depending on your affiliation.

(5) Update and/or validate all of the information

/r/uscg Thread