Can anyone help with scoring?

Honestly, I am less curious about the scoring than I am about the fact that out of ten videos on "how to play go", ten of them will not actually state what territory looks like, and how you count it.

Don't believe me? Watch ten "learn go in n minutes" videos online. Sure they'll spew out the first two lines of wikipedia. Then not actually say what paradigm that is.

100% failure rate in documentation of such a simple game, and I am curious why (don't care, just curious)

Same with this subreddit, came here just to see if there were people making similar observations (I am writing code that does language analysis, using instructional videos' subtitles as one measure.

Clicked how to play, same two lines of what the game is, then a link to a page that also fails, in its entirety, to actually state the most basic fact of the game.

Does anyone else find this bizarre or have just stumbled upon a statistically unlikely 10 videos?

Weirdly, almost all chess instructionals overlapped, as did the many variants of monopoly rules / videos / pages I could find and analyze. But I am trying to work out if this is an error in my code, KB or in the results I've been using.

Very very weird.

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