Can we discuss sexism in /r/trees?

Wait. Are you telling me that some people on reddit respond to things in ways you don't appreciate? I can't imagine what that must be like for you. How is it possible that we don't live in a world where every reddit user has rainbows and daisies shooting out of their asses? People say shitty things sometimes, learn to deal with it.

Oh, and your point about women having it worse when it comes to rape, and violence is complete horseshit. Hit a woman and you are trash. Hit a guy and that's just boys being boys. Rape a woman and you deserve to die. Rape a man? Well that's just hilarious to the average American. Hell prison rape of males is not only a well known occurance, it's a commonly used joke in most forms of media. But no, you're right, girls have it so much harder because anonymous internet commenters are ruder to them.

Not only is violence towards men far more socially acceptable, we are often raised to solve some problems with violence. Fight our own battles, the manly way. I refuse to accept that a couple rude comments are so destructive to your obviously healthy sense of self-worth. Get over it. Life is hard all around, and asking for special treatment for girls is taking a step in the wrong direction for gender equality.

You're not solving anything by posting this on /r/trees. Nobody is going to turn over a new leaf because you made an indignant self-post. This is a sub about weed, not gender equality. People are free to comment on pictures however they like. You think a little sexism is bad? Try getting into it with a holocaust denier on /r/pics, or listening to endless racist tirades on some random gif post. There are bigger issues on reddit, and armchair activism isn't solving them. You don't get to be outraged by every little comment you recieve on reddit, not without everyone rolling their eyes and tuning you out. I'm sorry you were offended by a handful of comments on some girl's post, but look at it this way. She made it to the frontpage. I've never done that, and I'm willing to bet none of the assholes who so irked you have either. That's a victory you are whining about right now. You've reached the top of the mountain, and you're upset there's no parade in your honor. Just be glad you made it in the first place. Ignore the people saying it only got upvoted because she's a cute girl, because it doesn't matter how or why it was upvoted.

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