Can we talk about content vs. length for a moment? (AoA SPOILERS)

I just don't believe it. I'm not dissing on the DLC, but seven hours is ridiculously long.

This was a completely blind run by the way

I went into the game, completely awe struck by the environment. Killed songs enemies, ended up in the city, killed some more enemies, went up a hill, killed more enemies and then fought the final boss.

I went and fought the optional boss after messing around and accidentally hitting the bridge, killed the boss. Messed around some more, and got all the spells and weapons with no online help, and I wasn't even close to seven hours.

I went through the whole DLC while going through every corners of AoA, and totaled up to three hours.

I know this sounds anecdotal, but it's the only thing I have to go off of. I'm not a huge player, but I strongly believe that people saying that they've been on this DLC for more than six hours is unbelievable.

You were running around in circles, or you were AFK for at least three hours doing something else entirely. I just don't see seven hours on this.

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