Canada to accept 10,000 Syrians within one year

Comment from /u/m0ny:

Being an immigrant myself here in Canada (not refugee), I don't mind people coming over here as long as they adhere to accepting multi culture-ism and being useful.

We have a good welfare system among other things mainly because how we integrate and contribute to the society as whole. Take a look at UK where you'll find Islamist mullahs who publicly say they love British welfare system, do not work and promote extremism (the sad part is British govt support these people by not kicking them out because it's great to say politics on this matter).

We do not owe refugees anything but the refugee will owe Canada: Integration and contribution. If that is not possible, Bo ho, there are hundreds of millions in the world that would like to move to Canada.

Yes I am a Muslim, I pray, read Quran and so forth. But it doesn't mean I'll go patrol the streets to ensure girls, be muslims or non muslims, are covering their head/being too exposing and whatnot. I accept what others wish to be and hope others accept what I wish to be. This is multi culturalism. This is why I don't want close minded people to come to Canada, enforce their thinking on to fellow citizens (which media networks like fox love to make breaking news) and create stereotypes.

Back in mid 2000s as I started school after migrating, my teacher p.e. Teacher asked me, while I was too young to know about the matter, if I was from al Qaeda.

Edit: people, re read comment before quoting me. I said refugees are welcome if they're willing to integrate and contribute. I did not say no to refugees. I learned in Canada to help others. I'll teach people to fish, but I won't wake up every morning to catch fish for everyone.

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