Despite being vocally against circumcision, I never prevented a single one despite my efforts.

Omg same here bud. It's honestly a pretty unpleasant and frustrating feeling.

I've tried several times to either talk to the mother or father of a couple expecting a baby boy. I've tried to either educate them on some of the more negative aspects and harm being done. I've tried to tell them to do research and think of the circumcision choice as a very important one for their kid. I've tried being more light about it and being more more heavy handed. But it has failed every time so far.

The fact is, every single baby boy I tried to save has been cut. I can't help myself personally, so I think to myself the least I can do is help someone else from ever reaching my situation. Maybe I can save just one boy from being cut. Maybe I can help my friends, both men and women, from ever having their own son end up feeling the way I do towards my parents because of being cut. Or, maybe not. For all the attempts I've made, I have zero to show for it. That's pretty demoralizing. Not only do I now have a feeling of not being able to change myself and my own situation, but I cant even change that situation for others (at least so far). And these others are friends and people I know. If they can't even see this issue clearly, what hope do we have on a larger scale? Doesn't feel like a lot.

The worst part for me is that it takes a lot out of me to go talk to someone about a subject that affects me so personally. I have to push myself into such an uncomfortable place as a person. I try to do it for the greater good, but it makes me feel generally horrible, just filled with anxiety and depression. I sacrifice my own well being in an effort to improve the well being of others, but to no avail. Is that sacrifice worth it still? I think so, but I do start to question it after each failed attempt. What sucks about it too is the experience is one of a friend or family member, someone who you have some sort of relationship with, and they are in a sense implying that what was done to you and me is a 'good thing' with all sorts of benefits or it's 'not a big deal'. To me, it's logical to assume they would likely not take our concerns or personal state because of this at all seriously and would likely say all the dismissive stuff we're all tired of hearing (assuming they don't know already).

So I feel you, it's truly tragic and not fun to do. But, I wanna tell you that you still did the right thing in your efforts.

/r/CircumcisionGrief Thread