(Capitalists) Why is capitalism not exploitative/bad?

> BECAUSE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A PUBLIC GOOD AND A COMMODITY. Jesus Christ does no one read the rest of the post before typing something?

You didn't read or make any comment on my explanation of UHC why should I do you the courtesy?

I explained how UHC can be achieved without the government running it but you have just ignored it.

> When you have universal healthcare you are basically infringing on someone elses rights because you are saying "you have to suture this man for x, doesn't matter if you need y, you get x".

As I outlined, with UHC the state doesn't say you have to have something. It lets the private actor or company do its job and then pays the bill. GPs over here in England are private actors, they are not the government. The GP sees you, does his job as any other GP would in a capitalist system and then charges the bill to the state. That's it.

A police officer sees someone attacking you and frightens off an attacker. You don't have to pay him. He does it free-at-the-point-of-use and charges his bill (his wage) to the state. That is just as "socialist" as the socialized healthcare you're talking about.

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