Cardinal Müller's TV Interview Causes Bewilderment (this article contains noteworthy details about the situation surrounding Amoris Laetitia)

Look I don't really know what is going but maybe you guys are missing the main point, Jesus sometimes didn't speak clearly. He spoke not clearly on purpose...You look at the faith in such a way where you miss the main point, faith, you must have faith in order to remain calm in these times of so called crisis. Thats the problem, so many people think the faith is purely intellectual, its not.

There are greater things in the Church we should look at...Like trying to love others, helping others, etc...being good basically, I am pretty sure this is just a distraction from the devil in order to keep us straying away from the main point in all this...we can be concerned but we shouldn't let it control us...More of our time should be spent elsewhere, not worrying if X, Y and Z is a sin...

If worst comes to worst and things start to fall apart the pope will recieve the blame. Not the Catholic people, I really dislike it when people say because of the pope's mistake many souls will be thrown into hell,,,okay, but how? Its not even their fault. They cannot go to hell for someone else's mistake.

I am really glad the age of enlightenment came around when it did..

Anyway, that is my input. I am not interested in recieving reasons why I am wrong and you are right because I believe if it is that important God will show me eventually. I trust God. I believe I am not left alone to figure this whole thing out.

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