Is carving sword a good weapon to spec as a beginner?

What do you mean daggers are so bad rn. Claws are so bad cus the Mount buffs. Dual daggers can get reflected black hands is ok 1h dagger got nerfed in pve and in pvp it just gets countered if you can play correctly. Blood letter got nerfed in pve open world and pvp. Deathgivers got 2 invis nerfs in one patch the dmg isn’t that good cus chainslash got nerfed. So overall 1h dagger beats people that play badly dagger pair is bad if you have hunter hood. Black hands needs Druidic to do dmg but can get mage robed. claws got nerfed when they changed mounts. Blood letter nerfs don’t hit hard but they make a difference and deathgivers build got 3 nerfs in one patch that hit very hard

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