A Cautionary Tale

“nobody can speed up the process.” No, huh? Your innocence is refreshing.

I don’t know if you’re referring to my situation or not, but I’ve been submitting regular ECFs for 4-5 years. My most recent ECFs were submitted during the limited waiver period, December 2021 and October 2022. My employment dates back to 2005 with one single employer. My loans were consolidated over a decade ago. I’ve been on an IDR for over a decade, closer to 16 years. My effective discharge date should be October 2017 (give or take some months based on the information I just found out after 7 months of requesting it from Mohela). Under the limited waiver guidelines my effective discharge date should be 5-6 years ago. My qualifying payment counts under the limited waiver should tally in at 173 (I thought 183 but just learned today that roughly 10 won’t qualify). Tell me how patient I should be? I have now waited well over 90 business days for my my account to surpass where it should be. I try to keep my interactions on here light, playful, and welcoming so we can all struggle and learn through this together. Your username sticks out time and time again on my posts as contributing nothing but negativity. While I absolutely encourage disagreement, opposing points of view, differing opinions, and overall opposite trains of thought, you seem to want to encourage straight up negativity. You toe the line in trolling. While I’m certain we’ve all made inadvertent social faux pas in one way or another commenting on someone else’s threads, I’ve definitely had my own fair share, yours are really becoming unwelcome. Dissent and disagreement are one thing, straight up being an asshole is completely different. Chalk it up and interpret this however you feel the need to justify it to yourself to make you feel better, but, and I don’t like taking this route at all, fuck you.

/r/PSLF Thread Parent