HERE'S A CHALLENGE: Imagine what it feels like to be 21 years old, extremely successful, famously wealthy, wildly stressed and unbearably miserable. How, you might wonder, can all those conditions exist simultaneously? - How pro athletes and their families interact over their newfound wealth

Sounds nice in theory, but is not how real life works. For people without money, they think having money would change nothing except their bank balance, whereas it changes everything. It changes perceptions of you, it changes perceptions of yourself, it changes the motivations for work, it changes the trajectory of your life, it invalidates all your career plans, it changes the relationships with everyone in your life.

That is before you start handing out money to people, which although you're assuming is purely positive action that can only enhance relationships, it will likely have the opposite effect. Firstly it introduces a power imbalance, secondly it devalues everyone's hard work for the rest of the money they have.

These are just off the top of my head but there are so many complications to sudden windfall. From the position of an average person it easy to assume more money would make everything better, while it will solve any financial problems, it will present it's own problems as well.

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