Chapter 840 Spoilers

a slightly different version of 840 spoiler from manga sail, creit to nidai kitetsu from manga spoiler

mangasail is slightly different

credit: Sanji’s father ,Judge was a brilliant scientist like Dr. Vegapunk,he ever worked with Dr. Vegapunk. Dr Vegapunk studied and found the “lineage gene” which is considers as “life blueprint” ,World Gov. considered the Dr Vegapunk’s study is a thread ,so the Wold Gov arrested the Dr Vegapunk and closed his laboratory,in the meantime ,Sanji’s father escaped out and has kept studying the “lineage gene” in Germa 66. Sanji and his brothers all are not nature human but made by his father in the laboratory!However,Sanji is a failed one who still contains humanity! ps: WTF—:O bird All soldiers in Germa 66 are clone human! Sanji and his brothers are unique who contains the “lineage gene“! … Sanji’s strong kicks breaks his 2nd brother’s face ,however even the face is broken but can’t hurt him due to the “lineage gene“. Sanji is put on an iron mask by his big brother.

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