Character Scramble III Round 1C: The Curse of the Labyrinth

The longest range member of the other team is Pyro, who has one of the shortest ranges of any TF2 character. If my sniper, gunner, and energy-knife wielder can keep them at a distance it will be an easy win.

Pyro is the shortest (granted his air bursts can send bullets and such back at their opponents), Nightwing is capable of things like this and Jack has some mid ranged magic. Additionally short range is better here.

Pyro may be a psychotic killer, but Nightwing is strictly against any kind of killing

He doesn't do it himself, but if his involvement with Spiral shows anything he is willing to work with killers. Also he is much more willing to work with Huntress than Bats

Swift is a human teen who has refused to kill before even when his life depended on it

He refused to kill Ellen because he loved her, he's killed hundreds of wizards and would have little qualms with killing opponents

1v1 Analysis


Pyro's flamethrower doesn't kill right away, which gives Ringo time to turn back the clock.

His flames deal both initial damage and over time, it is likely that Ringo won't have the capability to turn back his watch when third degree burns persist across his body

Swift isn't going to go for a lethal blow on Ringo right away, so even if he gets the jump on Ringo then he will just turn back time with Mandom.

This assumes Ringo can turn back time when he is on fire and severely bleeding

Similar to Swift, although Nightwing has more options to get close to him or incap from a distance. Still has the weaknesses to range and the non-lethal part, but I say NW has the overall advantage.

Nightwing's armor is quite bullet proof and dodging bullets is something he does easily. Ringo could only hit him with lucky shots


but even at a short range is more quickly lethal with knife and shotgun attacks. This leaves little options for Pyro to pull ahead.

Pyro has shown the ability to take some pretty heavy damage, it is unlikely a single shot gun blast will prevent him from killing

It is also worth noting that if Swift's attack isn't lethal, then Mikey will just stand up later. So 5/10 to incap, closer to 7/10 if to the death.

It is important to note Swift can heal as well

Nightwing will be a similar opponent to Swift, although Nightwing is slightly slower moving and has a blunt weapon rather than a blade, plus he is even more unwilling to kill. Surprise will play a big role in who wins, and my radar, sneaking, and range give a slight edge even against the trained stealth character. Closer to 9/10 if to the death.

A similar issue arises as with Ringo, bullet dodging. Mikey likely can't hit Nightwing in any consistent fashion and any hits would likely be mitigated by the armor

Black Panther

Swift should be at BP's level of strength and speed, and not far behind in skill, but BP is just much better armed. One swing from his claws should render Swift's sword useless, which will lead to an easy win.

The Great Blades are tied to their users, which means BP couldn't use it as well as Swift. Also it won't be cut, if anything Swift and BP will spar for a while.

Scenario Specific Analysis

Black Panther is significantly smarter than anyone on the opposing team

In terms of science yes, in terms of problem solving not necessarily. Nightwing's career as a detective and tenure as Batman fighting puzzle based rouges gives him the experience edge

Mikey on my team will be useful for his active radar, and because he has the mind of a gamer he will excel at the puzzles as well.

To be fair he is 14

Jackson through

Jackson won't be a dead weight. He is well versed in European lore (his mother teaches it and instilled a love for it) and he is one of the smarter students at his school

[To be added to]


Overall my team appears to have a distinct edge. We have superior close range, comparable long range and the ability to see the enemy first. Additionally my team will work better together and has more diversity in terms of how they can attack. My opponents team lacks a lot of diversity, as they are composed of two gun (mid to long range) and one up close, while mine is made of an up close and two up close personnel who also have mid and long ranged attacks. They are more conducive for this environment.

Final Words:

I would like to wish my opponent /u/xahhfink6', good luck, this was an interesting fight.

/r/whowouldwin Thread