Baby in a small apartment - any tips?

My husband and I manage hotels. We were moved to a new property while expecting our first, and we didn't expect to be here as long as we have been. (We initially thought 6 months, but it has been almost 4 years!)

We live on property, in a single hotel room. It might be 300 sq ft, but that might be an overestimate. There are certain things I'd like to change if the space were truly 'ours,' like get a murphy bed and get rid of the TV stand/put tv on wall.

In general, this is a great list! Many of the items are things I would suggest from our experience.

The few I would argue against: "Make decorative pieces functional" This is counter to using vertical space.. that wall could be used to host one or two closet rods and give you space for all sorts of clothes and maybe a hanging baby organizer.

I had a combo crib/changing table. It was not bad, but I could not rearrange anything. You can put it together with only the crib or only the changing table, but you can't separate them. I should have gone with a folding changing table. This time around I'm using a cradle rather than crib, and planning on co-sleeping when he outgrows that. I am doing the 'changing table on the dresser' where the dresser is a 8 cube organizer. The top four cubes are full of cloth diapers, blankets, baby toys etc, and the bottom has mostly big brother's toys.

The over the door pocket organizer is also a hint I would have brought up. I don't remember what all we had in it at first, but as baby got older it was a good place to store cleaners (up in the high pockets!) since hotel rooms don't come with cabinets.

If you've considered cosleeping, not having a crib will save a ton of space. Get an arms reach cosleeper instead for the first few months if you have concerns about cosleeping with a newborn.

"Hang up the stroller" is great advice. We didn't have a stroller, but we had a playmat, swing, and eventually high chair that were all hung up or folded up and stashed behind the crib or tv when not in use. This time around for the high chair, I'm going to be using my little seat.

We have had to do tons of restructuring to get ready this time around. It is one thing to get a place ready for a baby, and another to make room in the same tiny space for all of the stuff your toddler has accumulated as well as baby stuff.

If you're interested I can post pictures of our living area just before our first was born, and I'll be taking pictures soon of how the room is now, just before number two.

/r/BabyBumps Thread