The Chris Delia & Ali Macofsky & Annie Lederman Problem

100% As they did before he got canceled, shown here in this video. Now both of these girls are posting about “the Chris Delia problem” video as if it brings them up higher on an invisible leaderboard.. it’s sad. However what’s more sad is people really believe half the stuff in that new video, sure there’s some truth sprinkled in there. But the branding and sex cult stuff is on par with a 9/11 truther video, yet everyone who’s watching it is like “WoW thIS iS ReaaL JoUrnAlism RiGht HerE!”

How does no one see right through that Kyle anderson guys bs. I live in la, and did open mics with him for a bit. He’s a crazy person, he’s also friends with Alice Hamilton which.. if you know who she is? Then you know what’s up. If you don’t. Look her up for a good laugh. She’s the West Boro Baptist church personified as an open mic stand up. Truly so sad of a person lol.

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