Chase Oliver for President

Republican 'values'? Core beliefs?

Now you lost any respect of even reading any further.

What 'values' do Republicans have now days? Hate? Lies? Grift? Violence? Incompetence? Fascism? Election denial? Corruption? Fake Christian moral high ground? Fucking A... name one 'value' that Republicans have other than terrifying their base about people taking their guns? Trump ran up the Federal deficit to record levels. Not a single peep from 'fiscal' conservatives. Trump lied about losing, he grifted millions from his base over his lies and got a veteran killed. Santos is a lying piece of shit. He lied about he fucking holocaust....what 'values' are happening here? CAre to tell me? No, you won't answer will you? You'll just spout off the classic rolodex bullshit -Bengazi, hunter biden, Hillary, purple m&m's, gas stoves, Dr. Seuss, being gay , vegans, electric cars.....none of which are solutions to fucking anything. Republicans ran on the mid terms to stop inflation, stop crime, address the border, lower gas....guess what the house led Republicans are doing? Screaming at eachother and wanting to have hearings on Fauci and Hunter Biden... fucking A . How anyone , much less millions in this country put up with this shit and look the other way is why this country is going fucking backwards. But hey, we have to focus on what AOC wore today to keep the Repubilcan base angry and triggered so they go vote every year. What the actual Fuck is wrong with people.

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