Government says no more than 120 days on our land!!! HELP...

This guy posting seems maybe 80% reasonable and 20% over his skis.

Let me fix that for ya.

~~The guy narrating seems maybe 50% reasonable and 50% victim-complex chip on his shoulder (or pretending to for the sake of his little video audience).

Sounds like Dude’s just trying to get views for his blog or whatever over basically nothing. Trying to make a mountain out of a pothole. Same w/the clickbait headline.~~

These commissioners go out of their way to describe specific statutes, the public “workshops” they’re holding to find solutions to this very question, and to state that they’re in very early-stage discussions of extending (or possibly even eliminating?) those deadlines.

They acknowledge that people do live in RVs full time, and that it is totally doable on private property, and that the county doesn’t much care.

They acknowledge that they don’t even enforce this unless a neighbor complains. The narrator guy deliberately twists that part to create some fake drama. No, the commissioner doesn’t “seem to want neighbors to ‘rat’ on each other” - sounds to me like he’s saying that a neighbor making a complaint is the only reason they would bother even enforcing the statute.

Oh, the horrible “harassment” and govt overreach, asking you to not be an asshole to your neighbors or not to throw garbage all over the place!

One real problem they discuss, and presumably part of why these limits exist, is people setting up what amounts to commercial trailer parks in what is zoned as rural/residential land.

Your “private property” ends where it begins to impact your neighbors and the environment that everyone around you has to deal with. That’s more than just the surveyed lines on the ground. It also includes impacts on traffic, business, water, noise, wildlife, pollution, views, smells, etc. “Quiet enjoyment” I think is the legal term ... Goes for you AND your neighbors. If you didn’t want any, you should’ve bought that other parcel too.

By all means, show up & offer your suggestions to the next commission meetings. Try to change local statutes. Promote an ID state law allowing tiny homes & permanent RV living on private property. I’d vote for it. Nobody can afford to build houses anyway. But spare people the fake Breitbart outrage. It’s just silly.

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