To Christians(or whoever believes God knows the future): Assuming God can see the future, how can this coincide with his omnipotence?

If it's falsifiable it simply means that we can test it to find out if it's valid.

You're confusing validity with soundness. It is valid because it follows the logical laws of science. It may or may not be sound because it might be incorrect, but that's different than valid.

How do you figure? Arguments say that one conclusion is more likely to be true than another. That's decreasing uncertainty.

Arguments don't do this. Measurements do.

That's one of the reasons uncertainty exists. It's certainly not the only one.

Nope. It's actually the only reason uncertainty exists.

That's just not true. That's not how any language has ever worked.

It absolutely is how it works now. You can look at pretty much any court ruling. All of them follow a codified law of English. That's how the court's definition of "plaintiff" canonical.

I'm also not aware of any court of law that has ever introduced a canonical definition of "omnipotent". Are you claiming to know of one?

The judges reference both standard and legal dictionaries. If there's a dispute, then the judge becomes the authority and issues his or her ruling. The definition of power as it relates to omnipotence is quite clear as it states "able to do anything", but makes no statement about energy spent over time.

Actually it seemed to work just fine. I knew exactly what you meant when you used the word in that way. You're still attacking the same paradoxical straw man.

It doesn't work and it's not a strawman. I'm aware of many monotheists who consider their God to be omnipotent, i.e., able to do anything.

I already said that thinking of god as a superset of the universe resolves this causality problem.

That isn't falsifiable, hence it's not valid.

But there are plenty of definitions of God that are falsifiable, like the programmer I already mentioned

Please specify the requirements for this God and iterate a test that could falsify it.

I'm sure God would remind you that temperature and heat and climate are statistical phenomena that cannot be described by a single value.

Actually temperature can be described by a single value. We have a metric to do that. Using this same metric, God could tell us what this metric will produce on some day in the future. God would either be right or wrong.

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