This new system really kills toxic behavior, like, it's super effective

As a historically toxic player myself, I'm glad this change is rolling around. I'm not the type to blame anyone for a lost game unless the 0-3 person decides to rag on the 0-4 me and I end up far ahead of them in the end. I'll make them aware of how things have turned out, usually in a non-positive way. Or if it's the case I'll strait up tell people I'm having a bad game or a rough matchup. I even apologize when I start a game 0-4 and end 15-6 for the rough start.

This change is going to give me the opportunity to allow people to destroy themselves for trying to press my rage buttons. I won't respond to their negativity. Further, I'll become a better player because I'll spend less time steaming over dipshit up top crying about the adc feeding and the jungle never ganking and be able to focus on my shit in lane.

I see people get ridiculously mad for the silliest things that are out of our hands. If you have the jungle camping your lane, it's not your jungler's job to bail you out. It's your job to survive and minimise losses. Stay in exp range when you can, farm under tower, assist other lanes. Its your job to adapt, not your teammates. Make their jungler waste their time and get behind yours in the end. That's part of teamwork. You can still win a game when youre the only one behind and pointing fingers at everyone else and trying to direct them to 'do their jobs' is not constructive. It's bitching and blaming.

My point is I'm happy with the changes. I tend to get in more trouble becoming toxic by hypocrite player feeding, telling me im feeding and trying to defend people doing their best.

There's been times when my entire team is attacking me and I've told them, "here's whats going to happen. I'm going to mute every single one of you and win this game." And that's exactly what I fucking did. (Adc main ftw?) In the future they will get reports for harassment/negativity and whether they get a ban or not I will feel better knowing it's possible. And under that same understanding I know to expect the same from my frienemies. (:

In case you're wondering I first placed gold then decayed to bronze 5 playing only arams for almost 2 years. This season ive made an effort to learn 2-3 champs in every other position and have raised from B5 to S4 in about 3 months and maybe 50(?) games. I tend to duo with RL or Counter-Strike buddies. NA Summoner: FireEatingNinjax.

I'm excited to be a better league player via skill, dedication and attitude. I thrive in both positive atmospheres positively and negative atmospheres negatively. Most of us can do better and now's a great time to start building a more positive league.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread