CMV: Equal treatment and opportunities for all is dangerous for society in the long run, because it allows those who wouldn't naturally succeed and climb nature's ladder to reach positions of leadership and power where they can do serious damage.

You still haven’t clarified your position. Also, how does the American revolution have anything to do with your argument about equal treatment and opportunities.

So I will take this sentence from one of your comments to mean benefit:

If someone could show me an example of a society where anyone and everyone were given equal treatment and allowed to take power, and this society made huge advances in science, medicine, technology, abd defense.

For a long time, women and minorities have faced discrimination in the sciences and did not receive equal opportunity and treatment. I’m a white male scientist. Even if you subscribe to the notion that white males are the most intelligent and competent of all other sexes and races, because intelligence is normally distributed, there will be plenty of other people of different sex or race that are more intelligent and competent than I am.

I personally have an incentive to maintain discrimination against women and minorities. As long as they are removed as possible candidates for employment, I will have to face less competition and have a better job and better pay. I have a rational self interest against equal opportunity and treatment for all people. In fact, this interest against equal opportunity and treatment is solely derived from the fact that there are people better than myself.

On the other hand, society does not benefit from this because candidates that are better will not get employed. The overall pool of scientist is less intelligent and capable. It also negatively affects me because there will be a slower advancement in science and technology. But my personal gain through better employment drastically outweighs this.

This does not happen because the best are at the top. Power imbalances are the result of self interest, not strictly about competence or ability. Since so many white males where in control of employment, they all had a rational self interest to keep it this way. The negatives to society are drastically outweighed by their personal benefits.

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