CMV: If it's offensive/bad enough for one person to abstain from doing, it's offensive/bad enough for everyone to abstain from doing.

I may not get many people to agree with this but I feel that for something to be offensive and to be basically outlawed it should have a majority ruling rather than individual. Your example is to make everyone not do something even though only one is offended there by infringing on others rights who are not offended. Just take your example and a plan to something like Reddit where 95% of the posts would be out right banned. Even Reddit system is kind of like yours a mod can silence you just because they themselves are offended. It doesn't matter how people justify it if one with power does then you silence a group of people who are not remotely affected by it. Even this conversation anyone who opposed you would be silenced based on your rule because the rule we are challenging naturally offends at least one person.

/r/changemyview Thread