CMV: life has no meaning; people are things; sympathy and empathy are words of convenience used to get what people want (no exceptions). Emotions aren't what "make us human", they're a biological glitch we haven't fixed because we find it endearing (not the other way around).

You might not be unhappy or depressed, but you are, at the very least, incredibly misinformed as to how humanity works.

Humanity is based on convenience was my original argument. Nothing you've suggested is new or has altered my opinion on this.

"Plus, I mean, your title is inherently contradictory. If emotions are a biological glitch, how do we find them endearing?" -- because we've confused them as facts, but they're not facts. If they were facts, we wouldn't have a contradictory word for them, "feelings"; they're segmented parts of the brain, and we're pretty aware when we're using one or the other.

We isolate people that have nothing but not-facts as "emotional" -- the emotional ones that serve a purpose get to stay, the ones that don't, don't (whether by isolation or lack of reproduction into more "sociable" traits).

" You're also falling prey to a very common psychological glitch; you immediately assume everyone thinks the same as you do, and any behavior to the contrary must be them lying for some unknown reason. You are wrong about that."

Everybody also appears to have a pulse; they appear to intake oxygen; they appear to use people out of biological necessity and attack anybody that questions social bonds (out of evolutionary necessity to maintain social bonds).

Nothing you've said here is new, just charged.

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