CMV: Modern day African Americans benefited for slavery.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not intending to be reductive or blatantly racist in your arguments and are committed to good honest debate, but I find statements like the one above so difficult to challenge in a forum like this because they really betray a lack of background in understanding power and institutionalized violence that is woven into the economic and social backbone of the U.S. By this I mean the various facets of how much racism lies in the underlying bias of everyone which unfairly harms people of color especially black people (scientific studies have shown this to be true) as well as the complex ways that people get caught in cycles of poverty. This cannot be summed up in a paragraph.

Poverty, trauma, dehumanization and violence (family, state, and interpersonal) have profound effects---to the point of physically altering a persons brain and emotional regulation system. Combine this with a world that is FAR from a fair and open playing field and it becomes pretty irresponsible to make blanket assumptions about what we should all expect of a person who's experience you cannot begin to understand.

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