College Dorms Starter Pack

They usually happened during fire drills. Also, I really hate being told what to do. At home my parents let me do pretty much whatever I want as long as I’m polite and don’t get in actual trouble. My parents have let me and my brother smoke weed and drink in the house since he was 14 and I was 16 as long as it wasn’t around our much younger sister (we are 18 and 16 now). We both have almost always gone to parties with people in their 20s from around 14 for my brother and 16 for me. At 16 pretty much my only three rules were don’t buy drugs, get good grades, and either stay at someone’s house or be home by 12 am. My brother has similar rules minus getting good grades and some tighter restrictions on when he should be home if he doesn’t sleep over. So yea, unlike a lot of people I have less freedom at college.

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