This isn't true, they have an incredibly outdated caucus system where they elected delegates to the congressional and state assemblies on Super Tuesday and those elected delegates voted for the candidates running for everything but president and they voted for people running to be national delegates (they could commit to a candidate or not) for the presidency. Is it a ridiculous process? Yes. Did this system favor Cruz? Yes, but it wasn't in the bag for Cruz. A big part of the Colorado caucus establishment is a group called the rocky mountain gun owners association. They were all in for Cruz, but their (and the rest of the CO GOP's) preferred Senate candidate, Tim Neville, didn't make the ballot because he got BTFO by a high energy, relatively unknown county commissioner named Darryl Glenn.

Many "establishment" figures want to do away with Colorado's caucus system because it's incredibly time consuming and it doesn't give everyone a voice. This is an especially popular sentiment among the county parties within the state. Colorado wasn't rigged, they use one of the worst systems I've ever seen for a primary process (North Dakota's is actually worse and corrupt, look it up) and they had 600 people running to be a national delegate and almost all of them were for Cruz. If they had a primary, it would be a tight race between Cruz and Trump and Cruz does not deserve all the delegates from Colorado. It's the system that's at fault, not corruption. Shitty Cruz supporters got in early to be elected delegates on Super Tuesday to vote in the conventions later on. I know one of the Trump delegates was off the list and wasn't allowed to speak, but that's because it was so poorly organized not because he was for Trump. He wasn't the only one not allowed to run, and many of the others were Cruz people. An inefficient, outdated "grass-roots" caucus system is to blame for this disaster - and Cruz's nasty campaign knows how to work these places.

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