Coming Soon: Weapon Balance Pass

Can I just briefly point out that this thread has quite a few more upvotes than the Octavia hype page?

I hope this will encourage DE to do balance changes more often. It's not the most flashy job to be doing, but it can change the game in a very tangible way for existing players. Dominating weapons getting nerfed can lead to fun experimental phases with lots of "tier 2" weapons, and a bad gun getting buffed into relevancy is almost like new content being made accessible.

That said, if they did decide to do balance changes more often, I'd hope they'd stop giving out compensation for nerfs. It just sets an uncomfortable precedent for developers where they'll want to nerf only when they absolutely have to instead of when it would make Warframe a better game overall. You could argue that's gonna sow a lot of insecurity in the playerbase that's invested in tier 1 weapons, but I mean this is a game-as-service where big and constant changes should be expected, and realistically the only other ways to topple tier 1 weapons is to a) powercreep (nobody wants that) or b) buff everything else into tier 1 (which is a lot more work that's not guaranteed to result in new tier 1 weapons, continuing this process until we reach incomprehensibly high numbers and need a powercrunch).

/r/Warframe Thread