Commander players, what do you hate the most about the format!

As a 'new' EDH player (about 4 months) and having had minimal play with standard/modern (never been to a competition for FNM and only ever tabletop for a month or two before I committed to EDH) the one thing that attracted me is now pushing me away. The fun from playing with crazy cards from sets I didn't even know about and seeing new things as others don't seem that way inclined.

I have a semi-regular group of myself, a housemate[Niv Mizzet/Om(nomnom)nath locus of rage/Wrexial and Vorel of the hull clade] and another guy[Child of Alara superfriends and Mizzix of the Izmagius(?)creatureless control] at my flgs but if I stick to one deck, I find it gets stale. If I change it up, trying new strategies, one complains incessantly that its 'too competitive' 'too aggro' 'too controlling'... I feel like i'm being pushed to make a durdly deck which will make the game take 20+turns and over an hour of game time.
The reason I hate this? I like the games to be fast paced, a little competitive (not /r/competitiveedh standard but I'm in it to win) but overall to have fun, try new cards and see new things. The one on the other hand, really doesn't like change or having to deviate from their strategy. Anything that interacts to disrupt or change it, annoys them. The other seems pretty chill and actually likes the new decks. Only getting one night a week to do such a thing means I change my decks a lot. So far in order of building (decklists included where possible):

Avacyn, Angel of Hope Boardwipe Control (as you can imagine this didn't go too well with the others and was dismantled Decklist)
Kiki Jiki Goblin Tribal (fun but never won a game)
Daxos Returned enchantment fun (probably the deck that goes over the best but its still super durdly)
Sliver Overlord tribal slivers (durdly due to poor manabase at the time)
Kaalia aggro (obviously too tryhardy Decklist )
Sharuum combo (again, why I thought this would go over ok I don't know Decklist )
Akroma, angel of wrath angel/eldrazi tribal (probably my favourite deck but after I pulled off a completely insane win in a group of four a few weeks ago, it gets hated on as soon as they see it Decklist )
Mina and Denn goblin and eldrazi fun (this was an ok deck, but I missed blue and white)
Pheldagriff no win conditions group hug (Built for when we are in a larger pod of 6+, whilst fun I have only played with it twice Decklist )
Narset, Enlightened Master creatureless superfriend control (I gave up at this point and just went for something degenerate... but is my second favourite deck Decklist )
Brago, King Eternal stax control (they have yet to experience this... Decklist )
Jhoira of the Ghitu suspending fun (for playing with my SO, no big win cons but I may take this to fnm Decklist )

I think by writing this down, I realise I may need to find a playgroup that is a little more competitive.
TL;DR The person that got me into EDH is now what I feel is pushing me out. I think I had better have a chat with him.

/r/EDH Thread